
Which permission to build a porch: The ultimate guide

By haticexinterior

If you’re thinking of adding a porch to your home, then you’ll need to know about planning permission and building regulations. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of getting your porch built, from start to finish. We’ll also give you some tips on how to choose the right materials and design for your needs. So read on, and learn everything you need to know about building a porch.

Can you add a porch without planning permission?

Yes, you can add a porch without planning permission if you follow the rules. You have the right to do this under permitted development.

How big can a porch be without planning permission UK?

If the porch footprint is 3 square meters or smaller, you do not need a planning permission to build it.

A big porch exterior of a housing unit
A big porch exterior of a housing unit

What are the other requirements for getting a permit for my porch?

  • If you want to build a porch on your house, it is important to check if your house is in a Conservation Area. If it is, then you need a planning permission from the government to make any change, because there are special rules about what you can and cannot do to the exterior of your home.
  • If your house is a flat, you need to get planning consent for a porch addition.
  • If you want to build a porch and it is less than 2 metres from the road, you need a permit.
  • If your porch is taller than 3 metres, you need to get permission from a planning authority.

What are the steps I need to take to get a permit for my porch?

The steps you need to take to get a permit for your porch will vary depending on your location. In general, however, you will need to submit a planning application to your local council, and they will decide whether or not to approve it.

In order to get a permit for your porch, you will need to submit a planning application. The steps involved in this process include:

  • Completing an application form and submitting it with all relevant documents (such as drawings) by post or email.
  • A decision is made on the application within eight weeks of receipt; if approved, a permit is granted. If the application is refused, you can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.
  • You must also contact your local council if you want to make any changes to your porch after it has been approved.

You may also need to submit building plans, and there may be restrictions on the materials you can use and the design of your porch.

Before starting any construction work, it is a good idea to talk to your local council to make sure you are following all the correct rules and regulations.

If you need help with getting a permit for your porch, we can assist you.

Do I need building regulations (building warrant) for a porch?

If you don’t follow the permitted development rights, you will need to get building regulations approval after getting your planning permission.

If you don’t need a planning permission, then you might not need a building warrant. However, if you are going to do something that is allowed by the planning permission, you will still need to get a building regulations approval.

The building regs rules for a porch:

  • If you want to build a porch on your flat or maisonette, you will need to get approval from the building regulations.
  • If part of your porch is close to the property line in 1 meter, you must follow building regulations.
  • If the porch has more than 8 square metres of floor space (in Scotland) or 30 square metres of floor space (in England), you need to apply for building regulations.
  • If your porch has any fixed combustion appliance or flue, or if it has any wet room like a toilet, shower, or bathroom, you will need to get the building approval for the technical details.
  • If you are creating a new opening, or making an existing opening wider, from your house to the proposed porch, you need to follow the technical rules for your new situation.
  • If your porch is above the ground or a basement, and if there is an additional storey above the porch, you are eligible for the building.

What materials should I use for my porch?

When it comes to choosing materials for your porch, there are two main options: brick or timber. Both have their benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to think carefully about which one will work best in terms of cost and aesthetics before making a decision!

Brick is strong and durable – but requires more maintenance than timber-framed porches. It can be expensive to install, but is a good choice if you want a traditional look.

Timber porches are cheaper to install and maintain, but may not be as durable as brick porches. They can also be more vulnerable to damage from the weather.

How do I design my porch?

When it comes to designing your porch, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, you need to think about the style of your home and find a design that will complement it. You also need to make sure that the porch is big enough to be practical, but not too large or imposing – otherwise, it may not be in keeping with the rest of your property.

You should also consider how much time and money you can afford to spend on the project before deciding which design will suit your budget best. For example, if you’re looking for a low-cost option then choosing from one of our pre-made porch kits could be perfect – but if you want something more bespoke then it might cost more than buying off the shelf.

It’s also worth remembering that any materials used need to be able to withstand the weather conditions in your area, such as rain or snowfall; for example, if you live somewhere with high rainfall levels then timber may not last as long because it will rot quicker than wood that doesn’t get wet so often.

How much does a porch cost?

The average cost of a porch is between £2000 and £5000, although it can be more or less depending on the size of your property. A larger home will require more work to install than smaller ones due to its size and location within the house; however this doesn’t mean that smaller properties are not suitable for having porches added to them.

The price will also depend on what type of materials you choose, so it’s important to think about this before committing yourself to any particular design or style. For example; if your house has an older look then using traditional bricks might look out of place whereas modern designs are more suited to modern properties.


Porch designs can vary greatly in price and it’s important to consider how much work will be needed before making any final decisions about which one is right for you. If you are thinking of installing a porch on your property, it is a good idea to speak with professionals first. You can get a free quote from our team at today.