House interior design

Principles of modern Italian kitchens design

By haticexinterior

Italian kitchen design is very different from regular kitchens and people don’t even know how great it really is. As an architect, I have passionate about Italian design since it is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

In this article we will explore the principles that make up an Italian kitchen design. These lessons can be applied to any kitchen, not just those in Italy.

What is Italian kitchen design?

Italian kitchens are known for being clean, functional, and welcoming. They have a way of making people feel comfortable and at home.

It is a well-known fact that Italian kitchen designs are the best. However, if you ask any of your friends or relatives about it, they will probably not know what you’re talking about. So what are the characteristics of. this kitchen style?

Minimalist Italian kitchen look.
Minimalist Italian kitchen look.

What are the properties of Italian kitchen designs?

The architecture of an Italian kitchen is minimalistic and stylish. The materials used are high quality, neutral colors with contemporary and sleek lines. The streamline surfaces with slim profiles creates this minimal style.

1- De-cluttered and spacious layout

The first thing that is important to notice about an Italian kitchen design is the difference in layout between it and a traditional American one. Most of them have much more space, which makes them perfect for entertaining guests or hosting parties. They usually have a large island with multiple sinks, prep areas, dishwashers and even ovens built into them as well as other appliances like microwaves or ice makers.

Many also feature separate dining rooms or breakfast nooks where you can eat without being right next to your cooking area so you don’t get distracted by what’s going on in there while you’re trying to enjoy your meal. One last thing worth mentioning is that they tend not to be cluttered at all since Italians love things neat and tidy but still practical at the same time.

2- The minimalist design

Why is the minimalist design principle important?

With a minimalist design, you save on one of your biggest expenses: space. A lot of kitchens are poorly designed and take up so much unnecessary space that could be used for other things.

Who would want to live in a cramped apartment or house with limited countertop clean-up area?! With minimalistic designs, you’re able to use all available spaces in an efficient manner that helps create more room elsewhere.

In addition, most modern minimalist homes come equipped with modern appliances like dishwashers which can help reduce cleaning time as well as minimize clutter from dishes around the home. And who doesn’t love being able to store their food without taking too much precious closet/pantry.

Clutter brings about a sense of unease which detracts from our health when left unchecked so minimizing how much there is helps with mental wellness too. Next, less mess translates into easier cleaning times as any effort taken to keep things clean becomes significantly reduced.

Simplicity also means fewer work hours spent on upkeep over time; not having unnecessary items takes away all manual labor involved in maintenance without sacrificing functionality or style – making life even simpler than before! Finally, one might argue that minimalism creates better focus.

3- High quality material

What are some examples of materials that can be used to create a clean, simple space in your kitchen?

Italian kitchens typically feature a slab door (or single panel) that is made of stone or wood, usually high quality material such as Carrara marble or oak veneer on plywood panels. It needs to have an unobstructed view into the rest of the house while not compromising privacy in any way — glass doors are unacceptable here because they let out heat and invite uninvited guests.

4- Italian style kitchen backsplash

Italian style kitchen backsplash is a great way to add that classic touch of elegance and class. It also has its own set of benefits, like the ability for easy cleaning or giving your space some extra light with an open view. There are many types in this category but we’ll break it down into two categories: organic stone and glass tile.

A- Organic stone

Stone is a great material for an italian style kitchen backsplash because of the natural beauty that’s easily achievable with a few shades. It also has many benefits, like its durability and ability to be reused if it needs replacing after years of use.

B-Glass tile

Glass tile is another popular choice in this category due to its low cost when compared to other materials but there are some drawbacks as well such as being fragile or having large grout lines which can make cleaning difficult.

In Tuscany, a part in Italy, the surface of kitchen backsplash models derive fascinating attributes from kitchen backsplashes found there. What is more special about these types of tiles are that they are unique to Italy and cannot be seen anywhere else but here.

5- Lighting

One key lesson about designing an Italian Kitchen Design: Use as much natural light as possible. How might people achieve this goal when constructing their own kitchen with limited windows/natural light sources available (without spending any money)?

6-The Italian tiles

There are so many types of tiles to choose from – porcelain, ceramic and stone/terracota. Which one is best for you? Though you can read more from here, I will discuss mention in the following paragraphs.

I can divide them into two. As the ceramic or porcelain options which is mostly porcelain and ceramic types (mostly in white and earthy tones) and a terracota style.

A- Porcelain and ceramic tiles

It’s hard to say which tile type will be your favorite because they all have different qualities that make them great in their own way but if I had to pick between the two then it would probably be a tie between porcelain or granite. Porcelain has some really cool properties like being less subject to wear than other stones while giving off this beautiful glaze finish when polished properly; on top of all that though its density makes it more durable too.

The Italian term for white and off-white is bianco, meaning that it makes sense why the flooring of choice in Italy would be tile. The benefits are as follows: Porcelain tiles are more durable than natural stone; porcelains can withstand temperatures up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit while most stones cannot take temps higher then 400 without being damaged by them; if used indoors they will not soak up moisture like marble or slate so there’s no risk of mold from wet floors.

What is an advantage of ceramic tile for a kitchen? It can be used as counters, backsplashes, and flooring. It’s not recommended to use it on the ground because they are hard like stone so you’ll need special mats or take care when walking across them near your stove or oven

B- Terracotta tile floors

On the other side, the benefits of terracotta tile floors are that they’re both hardy and aesthetically pleasing. Terracotta is a strong, durable material that is also naturally resistant to mold and bacteria. These tiles can last for decades when they’re installed properly. A sealant should be applied on porous surfaces before installation as these are vulnerable against stains, scratches or moisture over time if not sealed beforehand.

While terracotta tiles are not always associated solely with Italian kitchens, they’re still very popular in Italy and other parts of Europe (especially when used as flooring). They’re often paired together with pavers for an earthy look that’s perfect for people who love nature-inspired designs. The low cost also makes these surfaces ideal for spaces like bathrooms where moisture might be an issue because it won’t deteriorate easily over time like some stone or wood types would.

Terracotta has been used in construction since ancient times because of its durability: it’s both fire-resistant and soundproofing while maintaining the natural look you want with home improvements–without breaking your budget. Terracota tile floor may need extra care once laid out by sealing all those exposed pores so everything shines up beautifully without any compromise in quality from external factors like humidity (which could lead to cracks).


The properties of Italian kitchen are;

  • Sleek, minimal design with neutral colors that doesn’t take a lot of time to set up
  • Neutral colors to fit into any theme of home decor you have going on
  • Sleek and slim appliances for a modern feel
  • Hidden appliances provide a clean look to kitchen
  • Advanced Italian materials  and quality materials and finishes so your kitchen will last for years
  • More spacious than a traditional kitchen
  • Contemporary design with beautiful tile touches