House interior design

Stunning period wallpapers from ‘Little Greene’

By haticexinterior

The company is not only good in wallpaper but also have wonderful period colours. These colours are the perfect match with their wallpapers both in residential and commercial decorations.

We are particularly proud of our paints’ depth of colour. Reassuringly high pigment levels (over 40% more pigment than many ordinary paints), give Little Greene paints an unequalled depth of colour and a true point of difference. –Little Greene

So every roll of paper has a historic pattern that they have discovered.  They have inspired from these patterns, and then they recreate and/or modernize it.

Importance of their period wallpapers

The importance of these wallpapers is that this re-design of these patterns and textures addressing British history. The company started its journey in the city of Manchester.

Manchester had significant importance in the history of the textile and printing in the industrial era. The factories and the workers have dominated the city life from the 1700s to the early 1900s in this British city. The production and export of textile goods create a wealth of Britain.

Traditional and modern print techniques

At present, the company manufactures the wallpapers using a range of traditional and modern print techniques, which some production methods even haven’t changed in hundreds of years.  

Their machine, first commissioned in 1892, could capable of placing up to twelve colours. Therefore, any pattern you like may be produced up to twelve colour.

The Period Wallpapers of Little Greene:

Three periods that are based on the production and printing methods of the production of wallpapers are in the stock of the company. These periods are first the eighteen, second the nineteen and third the twentieth-century wallpapers.  

1- The 18th Century Wallpapers

London was the epicentre of the emerging wallpaper industry in the 18th-century. Therefore, many of the designs reproduced by the Little Greene addresses London themes; such as a street, square or even a room of a house.

Although the hand made printing and paper making was the main characteristics of this period, innovative print effects called ‘flocking’ and ‘mock flock’ developed in this time.

My selection from their 18th-century wallpapers:

3- The 20th Century Wallpapers

The third one is the 20th-century Wallpapers:

Huge advances in mechanization and the rise in the demand for wallpapers made commercial wallpapers easy to available.

The streamlined machinery and the marketeers astute created a new global demand for commercial wallpapers, radically transforming the shape and size of the industry.

So, “by the mid-century, wallpaper patterns had become less restricted by printing methods and much more influenced by the artistic expressions of the post-war era;” said the company.

My selection some of their 20th-century wallpapers:


The company- ‘Little Greene’-  has more Stunning period wallpapers designs on their website. Therefore, you should go and check them for your design needs. 

In conclusion, I do suggest both their period wallpaper and wonderful period colours for the interior and exterior of your houses, rooms, shops and offices.

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